More Sales For Your Business This Black Friday
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- More Sales For Your Business This Black Friday
More Sales and Profit for Your Business
This Black Friday
You have an online store, but your sales are meh, you’re not impressed with what your internal team or the digital marketing agency is getting you.
You’ve invested a lot of money, time, energy & resources in trying to make it successful but it’s not quite getting the return on investment you need.
In eCommerce Marketing, we believe you need 4 things to make a sale
- Right Product
- Right Price
- Right Time
- Right Person
During Black Friday,
The right product is up to you.
You typically have the right price
Everyone is looking for deals, so it makes it the right time as well.
Finding the right person, this is where we specialize.
Black Friday is really the time where your stars align.
For some context, one of our clients spend R115k over the 4 days of Black Friday and we were able to generate just under R1.3 Million in sales.

- Facebook & Instagram Ads
- Google Ads
- TikTok Ads
- Email Marketing
Additionally, they’ll have more insights into which channels and products work best for them.
Our Favorite Question: How much does it cost?
If you’ve gotten to this point, you might be thinking this all sounds great but how much does it cost?
To us, our ideal scenario is we help you make as much profit as possible and we get rewarded for doing just that.
Our Goal is to generate as much revenue as possible with the lowest cost of advertising.
If we spend R30,000 in paid and generate R120,000, it’s not as great as if we spent R30,000 and generated R300,000.
So our pricing has been structured to motivate us to make as much sales for you as possible with the budget (Our minimum Ad Spend Budget is R30,000)
If you’re unfamiliar with the term ROAS, it’s short for Return On Ad Spend, its calculated by dividing revenue over the ad spend budget.
Using the values above:
Revenue/Ad Spend = ROAS
R120,000/R30,000 = 4 ROAS
R300,000/R30,000 = 10 ROAS
ROAS 4 | Revenue*1% + 3000 |
ROAS 6 | Revenue*2% + 3000 |
ROAS 8 | Revenue*3% + 3000 |
ROAS 10 | Revenue*4% + 3000 |
ROAS 12 | Revenue*5% + 3000 |
ROAS 14 | Revenue*6% + 3000 |
ROAS 16 | Revenue*7% + 3000 |
ROAS 18 | Revenue*8% + 3000 |
ROAS 20 | Revenue*9% + 3000 |
If we don’t reach a minimum of 4 ROAS, you will not have to pay us a cent
What we will need from you:
- Provide us access to your ad accounts,
- The range of products that you believe will perform
- All ad spend payments will be handled by you
Interested in Finding Out More?
Whatsapp or Call us at: 067 938 4799
Or, you can schedule a call here by clicking the button below.